My child has gone off their milk, how can I make sure they are getting enough calcium?

Here is my second collaboration with my lovely friend Sally . Our second topic is "My child has gone off their milk, how can I make sure they are getting enough calcium? " I will talk about our first born who was a fussy drinker as a baby and now I call him my … Continue reading My child has gone off their milk, how can I make sure they are getting enough calcium?

Baby Led Weaning versus Purees – which should I do?

I am really excited to announce my collaboration with my very good friend Sally who I have met on Instagram, together with another four amazing mamas we have founded the group #healthykidscommunity where we set ourselves a weekly challenge with different themes. To find out more follow me @katsdelicious_kitchen and @sproutingyumminess on Instagram. 🙂 You … Continue reading Baby Led Weaning versus Purees – which should I do?